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EonStor DS 4000U 3U/ 16bay, High IOPS solutions, single upgradable to redundant controller subsystem including 2x12Gb/ s SAS EXP. port ports +2x host board slot(s), 1x4GB, 2x(PSU+FAN Module), 1x(SuperCap.+Flash module), 16xHDD trays and 1xRackmount kit (Код товара DS4016SUC000C-8U32, WIT-ID: 105-68-42)

DS4016SUC000C-8U32  EonStor DS 4000U 3U/ 16bay, High IOPS solutions, single upgradable to redundant controller subsystem including 2x12Gb/ s SAS EXP. port ports +2x host board slot(s), 1x4GB, 2x(PSU+FAN Module), 1x(SuperCap.+Flash module), 16xHDD trays and 1xRackmount kit

970 003 ₽

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DS4024R2C000C-8U32EonStor DS 4000 Gen2 4U/ 24bay, High IOPS solutions, dual redundant controller subsystem including 2x12Gb/ s SAS EXP. ports, 8x1G iSCSI ports +4x host board slot(s), 2x4GB, 2x(PSU+FAN Module), 2x(SuperCap.+Flash module), 24xdrive trays and 1xRackmount kit 1 608 983 ₽ Товар под заказ
DS4024S2C000C-8U32EonStor DS 4000 Gen2 4U/ 24bay, High IOPS solutions, single upgradable to redundant controller subsystem including 1x12Gb/ s SAS EXP. ports, 4x1G iSCSI ports +2x host board slot(s), 1x4GB, 2x(PSU+FAN Module), 1x (SuperCap.+Flash module), 24xdrive trays an 1 042 753 ₽ Товар под заказ
DS4024URT200C-8U32EonStor DS 4000T 2U/ 24bay U.2 NVMe AFA, unified, dual controller, 4xSFP+, 4x host board, 2x4GB, 2x(PSU+FAN Module), 2x(SuperCap.+Flash module), 24xdrive trays, 1xRM kit (DS 4024URT2) 0 ₽ Товар под заказ
DS4024RUCB00C-8U32EonStor DS 4000U 2U/ 24bay, High IOPS solutions, dual redundant controller subsystem including 4x12Gb/ s SAS EXP. ports, 4x1G Iscsiports +4x host board slot(s), 2x4GB, 2x(PSU+FAN Module), 2x(SuperCap.+Flash module), 24xHDD trays and 1xRackmount kit 1 538 946 ₽ Товар под заказ
DS4024SUCB00C-8U32EonStor DS 4000U 2U/ 24bay, High IOPS solutions, single upgradable to redundant controller subsystem including 2x12Gb/ s SAS EXP.ports, 2x1G iSCSI ports +2x host board slot(s), 1x4GB, 2x(PSU+FAN Module), 1x(SuperCap.+Flash module), 24xHDD trays and1xRackm 970 003 ₽ Товар под заказ
DS4016RUC000C-8U32EonStor DS 4000U 3U/ 16bay, High IOPS solutions, dual redundantcontroller subsystem including 4x12Gb/ s SAS EXP. ports, 4x1G iSCSI ports+4x host board slot(s), 2x4GB, 2x(PSU+FAN Module), 2x(SuperCap.+Flashmodule), 16xHDD trays and 1xRackmount kit 1 538 946 ₽ Товар под заказ
DS4016SUC000C-8U32EonStor DS 4000U 3U/ 16bay, High IOPS solutions, single upgradable to redundant controller subsystem including 2x12Gb/ s SAS EXP. port ports +2x host board slot(s), 1x4GB, 2x(PSU+FAN Module), 1x(SuperCap.+Flash module), 16xHDD trays and 1xRackmount kit 970 003 ₽ Товар под заказ
DS4024RUCB00C-8732EonStor DS 4024RUCB-C EonStor 4000U 2U/ 24bay, High IOPS solutions, dual redundant controller subsystem including 4x12Gb/ s SAS EXP. Ports, 4x1G Iscsiports +4x host board slot(s), 2x4GB, 2x(PSU+FAN Module), 2x(SuperCap.+Flash module), 24xHDD trays and 1xR 0 ₽ Товар под заказ
DS4024R2CB00C-8U32Infortrend EonStor DS 4000 Gen2 2U/ 24b, dual controller, 2x12Gb/ s SAS EXP., 8x1G iSCSI, 4x host board slot, 2x4GB, 2x(PSU+FAN Module), 2x(SuperCap.+Flash module), 24 drive trays, 1xRM kit (ESDS 4024US-F) 0 ₽ Товар под заказ